
Taking time out from social media
Taking time out from social media

Do you spend more time on social media interacting with others than you do IRL? Do you spend more than two hours a day on social media? Do you feel low and unworthy after scrolling through your feed? Do you feel a sense of anxiety from not being able to access social media? Do you feel physical urges to be on social media? Larissa May offers up this self-check list to monitor when and if it's time for you to log off: Signs it might be time to take a social media break: Equip yourself with the proper tools to ensure you're not susceptible to triggers when you do log back on. Social media is an open forum for people to post their accomplishments, aha moments and big wins, and it will never stop being this. So when it comes to comparing yourself to others, for example, be clear about your goals and do the self-work IRL to come out confident it will help curb the anxiety that the Instagram comparison game creates. So how you use your time during a social media detox to deal with the issues offline, is key to ensuring you're no longer triggered when you see a post online." "The reality is that it's not all or nothing, and social media isn't going away anytime soon. Lauren Hazzouri, psychologist, speaker and champion for girls and women, reminds us that during a social media detox, you need to do the inner work. Distract yourself with other “guilty pleasures” or self-care routines, like taking a day to recharge at the museum or catch a foreign film. Plan a night out with a friend you’ve been exchanging DMs with.

Taking time out from social media upgrade#

Use this time to reconnect and upgrade a social media relationship to a real-life interaction, whether it’s a phone call or coffee date. Kindness and encouragement only for a bit!" As much as I am grateful for the voice that social media gives each of us, I am equally grateful to be able to step back and live my life present to the moment I have been given.

taking time out from social media taking time out from social media

Selena Gomez included this message in her "going offline” Instagram caption: “Update: taking a social media break. It helps you reconnect and come back stronger.

taking time out from social media

I'm currently using this tool and discovered that I could have likely read Steve Jobs' biography in the time I spent scrolling Instagram last week. So if you're complaining about having zero time to go for a run or get to inbox zero, don't give into social media's procrastination pull. It helps you reclaim your time. With Apple iOS 12's “Screen Time” feature, you can track your social media usage. Now scrolling aside, what about all the time spent plotting your next post? It will be refreshing to do things that feel good just for you, rather than doing them for the ‘gram.

Taking time out from social media